Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sunrise and Sunset

I noticed that my post yesterday started one way and ended another.  I said a few things in the morning and later in the day added more of what happened throughout the day.  It occurred to me that this theme of "sun" has its very own natural beginning and end too.  So,  I will have two parts to my daily blog entries:  Sunrise and Sunset.  

I have the best and worst memory so this will help me when I am 80 years old to remember the sweet everyday things that happen throughout the day.  

I woke up thinking about how last night ended and how gracious the Lord is and hears our prayers.  We always pray at meals and usually we throw in a request for God to protect us.  Sometimes it feels a little mechanical in nature but it's an important request.

Dinner time was a little late last night since we had probably a few too many snacks and Adam was working off our vacation at the gym.  

In order to be able to cook, I keep all 4 kids busy playing.  I put Blake in the living room with the new barn animal set and the girls were playing hide and go seek.  Earlier in the evening, the girls were all playing with money.  The night before they were warned sternly to keep it put away since it could be a choking hazard for Blake.  They obviously forgot the warning and they were hiding it and placing it all over the house without me knowing it.

After getting the food started, I went in to play with Blake.  I like to surprise them often by jumping out of places like a tiger but something in my spirit told me not to this time.  I crawled up to Blake from a distance and he smiled at me.  I was making goofy noises and such and noticed he was chewing on something.  Looked  like he had gum which I knew he didn't but as I approached I reached to get what he had and it was a PENNY!  AHHHH....  I could not believe it!  

Confusion, anger, gratefulness, and that sinking feeling in your stomach washed over me.  

In the midst of getting down to the bottom of how it ended up there, Adam called saying he ran out of gas in his car!  Ahhhh....  The day can end much differently than it began.  Maybe yours did too.  

But I can tell you that the verse on our kitchen table that gets read every morning was a sweet reminder today.  Psalm 90:14 MSG version "Surprise us with love at daybreak; then we'll skip and dance all the day long."  It's a love that the Lord gives us one more day to live for Him and take care of what He has entrusted us with.  

With it being cloudy today, I think I may have subconsciously dressed my Gigi like sunshine today.  She said she was daydreaming...

I pray for your protection and ours until we meet again at "Sunset".... check back later.


It was a much nicer finish to the day than yesterday!  Smooth sailing to bedtime before 8pm.  

Seriously funny blog here:  I am laughing so hard right now.

I am actually off to bed before midnight....  

May the Son be in your Eyes, 

*the meaning of the blog title "Sun in my Guys" is on the very first post*

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